As any busy mom knows, time is a hot commodity. As any blogging mom knows, there is guilt that comes along with using any extra time to blog instead of doing something with or for your kids. I have really neglected For The Luv Of Boys lately - because I just couldn't find the time to sit at my computer. My boys and household responsibilities keep me really busy, plus I try to find time to sew and crochet for the Etsy Shop.
Part of my time management problem was trying to keep up with two blogs - that were each important to me, and each had their own purpose. After much thought and prayer, I feel like it's time to consolidate the blogs. I mean, really - I don't have so much to say that one blog won't do the job. ha ha For the time being, For The Luv Of Boys will remain fully accessible here. I'll slowly be merging it with Fabulously Domestic and the content will be moved over there.
No, it won't just be about the crafts and fun stuff I do with my boys, but it will be more of me. I'm not just a mom to four boys - I'm a crafty, not-very-organized, way-too-stressed, fun-loving woman who wants to share more than I've been able to lately. Expect new tutorials, fun guest bloggers and even a couple of giveaways in the next couple of months. Just be patient - this new little guy is kind of kicking my butt and running the show right now!