I don't have too many rules around the house. I find the more rules we have, the more arguing, talking back, and bad attitudes we have. I do ask a few things of my boys, that I'm sure are standard in most homes:
Respect others (especially your parents)
Take care of our possessions
Clean up after yourself
Help others when you are asked
Homework before play
Don't eat Daddy's junk food
Now there is one rule I made for a few good reasons - it helps me keep the house neater, it helps keep the noise level three boys can make from overtaking the entire house, and it keeps me sane. See, the rule is
Seems simple, right? They each have their *own* room AND a game room in between! They have tons of room to run upstairs; there is storage for their toys - it's just better to have everything up there! There are a few exceptions to this rule - when we have a playdate with little ones who aren't good with stairs yet, when Monkey-Man needs some play time just with mama, and when we are all playing together. But for the most part the kid stuff stays upstairs. I cleaned up before bed last night. Today a hurricane came through - this is what accumulated downstairs:
The collection is so random, that it almost looks like a picture from one of those I Spy books!
Guess what everyone's doing when school is out today!